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Pain relief for seniors

July 26 | 2022
Posted by Sharon Tierney

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Pain Relief from Aging It is important for seniors  to stay active to make sure they remain strong and independent through the later years of their life. Many seniors also develop joint and muscle pain as they age and staying active can really help manage these symptoms. Let us discuss about some exercises to get pain relief from aging. However, if you need to know further what are the changes happening to your bones and muscles visit this link. https://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/conditionsandtreatments/ageing-muscles-bones-and-joints Here are some exercises that seniors can do at home to help with pain relief! Sit to Stand Sit to stand activity  Start by sitting on a firm chair.  Get up from the chair and get into a standing position without using your hands for support.  Stay standing for 2-3 seconds and then slowly lower yourself back into the chair without using your hands.  Repeat this movement…

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Knee Replacement Physio

May 21 | 2019
Posted by Sharon Tierney

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Knee Replacement Physio What about Knee Replacement Physio? Knee Replacement Physio is necessary after having surgery. People get knee replacement surgeries because they have a lot of pain and limitations with their knee.  These surgeries are usually for people who have advanced arthritis.    Its important to do proper Knee replacement physio after the surgery to get your knee to a good functional level.  Check out this video for a bit more information about Knee replacement surgery>https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/247500.php What happens after the surgery? You will receive in-patient Physiotherapy at the hospital. You will work on regaining your knee movement. In addition,…

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Elderly Falls Prevention

March 02 | 2019
Posted by Sharon Tierney

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Elderly Falls Prevention Elderly Falls prevention is a huge societal issue.  It affects many aspects of society including health care spending and caregiver stress.  As a result injuries and effects from a fall can be very serious, both for the patient and the family involved. Characteristics of the elderly Population There are some who have been able to maintain their mobility and strength and continue to stay healthy and active. Then there are those who are struggling with their day to day activities due to weakness and frailty.   There are also those who fall somewhere in between.  Those individuals…

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Shoulder Injuries

December 02 | 2018
Posted by Sharon Tierney

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Shoulder Injuries Shoulder Injuries Shoulder injuries are a common problem for many people. It can happen to people of all ages from children to the elderly. The pain from shoulder injuries can be very severe and cause a lot of limitations with work and activity. Shoulder pain is one of the top 5 reasons why people seek out Physiotherapy and Registered Massage Therapy treatments. What Causes Shoulder Pain? There are several reasons why people suffer from shoulder pain. Trauma – any type of direct or indirect trauma can produce shoulder pain if the arm and/or shoulder is involved Motor vehicle accidents Falls Sports injuries Violent incidents Poor workplace ergonomics – For people who work in offices, they may spend the majority of their time sitting in front of a computer. If the desk set up is not properly, then this may start to produce stress and…

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TMJ syndrome

January 31 | 2018
Posted by Sharon Tierney

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TMJ syndrome TMJ syndrome is broadly classified into 2 syndromes. The temporo- mandibular joint (TMJ) is the synovial joint that connects the jaw to the skull. These joints are located just in front of each ear. Classification of TMJ syndrome TMD is broadly classified into 2 syndromes: • Muscle-related TMD (myogenous TMD), sometimes called TMD secondary to myofascial pain and dysfunction • Joint-related TMD, or TMD secondary to true articular disease Causes of TMJ syndrome • trauma • disease, • wear and tear due to aging • oral habits, such as chewing gum, tobacco, candy or ice grinding your teeth or clenching your jaw   Signs and Symptoms of TMJ syndrome • Pain in the jaw • Clicking and popping sound in the ear • Pain while chewing the food • Stiff and sore jaw muscles • headaches Treatment for TMJ syndrome ? general • including heat to the joint, •…

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Heat therapy

January 21 | 2018
Posted by Sharon Tierney

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Heat and Cold therapy How it works When we apply Heat therapy, it improves circulation and blood flow to  that area due to increased temperature. Heat therapy can relax and soothe muscles and heal damaged tissue. Types Dry Heat therapy includes sources like heating pads, dry heating packs, and even saunas. This heat is easy to apply. Moist Heat therapy includes sources like steamed towels, moist heating packs, Theratherm heating pads that take moisture from the air, or hot baths. Moist heat may be slightly more effective as well as require less application time for the same results. Contraindications diabetes dermatitis vascular diseases deep vein thrombosis multiple sclerosis (MS)  Heat is useful for relieving: osteoarthritis strains and sprains tendonitis, or chronic irritation and stiffness in the tendons warming up stiff muscles or tissue before activity relieving pain or spasms relating to neck or back injury, including the lower back Cold…

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January 07 | 2018
Posted by Sharon Tierney

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Labyrinthitis is an inner ear disorder. The two vestibular nerves in your inner ear send your brain information about your spatial navigation and balance control. When one of these nerves becomes inflamed, it creates a condition known as labyrinthitis. Symptoms: dizziness vertigo loss of balance nausea and vomiting tinnitus, which is characterized by a ringing or buzzing in your ear loss of hearing in the high-frequency range in one ear difficulty focusing your eyes Causes respiratory illnesses, such as bronchitis viral infections of the inner ear stomach viruses herpes viruses bacterial infections, including bacterial middle ear infections infectious organisms, such as the organism that causes Lyme disease If you would like to learn more about Labyrinthitis, please check out this link. Diagnosis Tests to check for the condition may include: hearing tests blood tests a CT or MRI scan of your head to record images of your cranial structures electroencephalogram…

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Benefits of massage therapy 

December 17 | 2017
Posted by Sharon Tierney

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There are many Benefits of massage therapy.  Below you will find some of the injuries that benefit most from massage therapy. Whiplash Injury A common injury from a motor vehicle accident, whiplash is a neck sprain resulting from the sudden forces typical of a car crash. Symptoms Neck stiffness Headache Dizziness Paresthesia Shoulder, back or arm pain Benefits of massage therapy Massage therapy can be used for the treatment of both acute and chronic conditions. RMTs can work with a wide variety of patients, of all ages, in the treatment of illness, injury rehabilitation and disability. Fibromyalgia Fibromyalgia is associated with widespread chronic pain, fatigue, memory problems and mood changes. It occurs more often in women than in men. It is not a disease, but rather a syndrome that can be managed. Benefits of massage therapy The first will be relaxation to improve sleep. The second benefit is improved muscle…

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October 14 | 2017
Posted by Sharon Tierney

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Pelvic Floor: Posture PELVIC FLOOR: POSTURE is a very important area if you have issues with urinary incontinence, pelvic pain, etc.  The muscles of the pelvic floor support the abdominal and pelvic viscera.  These muscles are active in standing and sitting. Furthermore, because the abdomen is a fluid-filled cavity, intra-abdominal pressure  is distributed in all directions.  The Pelvic Floor muscles, which form the floor of the abdominal cavity, contribute to its muscle control. As a result of this contribution to control of intra-abdominal pressure, the muscles of the pelvic floor are likely to contribute to control of the spine and pelvis. The slouched posture places a lot of pressure on our internal organs and pelvic floor. This can cause a worsening of: urinary incontinence, pelvic pain,  symptoms related to prolapse, and rectus diastasis. Pelvic Floor: Posture, sitting slumped Research has shown that when we sit in a slumped posture, our pelvic…

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Acupuncture: Neck pain

October 10 | 2017
Posted by Sharon Tierney

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Acupuncture: Neck pain Almost everyone will experience some sort of neck pain or stiffness during their lifetime. However, certain occupations appear to be predisposed to neck symptoms.  Acupuncture: Neck pain may be able to help. Manual laborers, for instance, have more symptoms than office workers.  The type of work seems to affect the risk. A person’s age and a history of twisting and bending during work can also contribute. Studies have shown acupuncture: Neck Pain to be effective in relieving certain types of neck pain.  This is especially true for neck pain  caused by whiplash. Some studies suggest acupuncture can treat degenerative neck disorders such as ankylosing spondylosis and cervical spondylosis.  In many cases, acupuncture: Neck pain has worked for patients whose conditions could not be solved using conventional approaches. ¬ Mechanism of action of Acupuncture: Neck pain Release of opioid peptides.Opioids are naturally occurring chemicals in the brain that…

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