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Total Hip Arthroplasty: What you Need to Know!

March 06 | 2025
Posted by Sharon Tierney

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What is a total hip arthroplasty? Total Hip Arthroplasty (THA), or a hip replacement surgery is a procedure that replaces damaged bone and cartilage in the hip joint. Instead, it replaces it with prosthetic components mainly using two techniques. The type of technique used will be discussed between you and your surgeon and is influenced by demographic and lifestyle factors. 1: Cemented: Used more in geriatric (older) populations or patients who have a more sedentary lifestyle  2: Non-cemented: Indicated for younger populations, or patients having active lifestyles Why do people get hip replacements? On the left shows a healthy hip with…

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Hip Replacement Surgery Techniques: Which One is Better?

December 23 | 2024
Posted by Sharon Tierney

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Anterior vs. Traditional Technique in Hip Replacement Surgery Images from left to right showing the degeneration of a hip joint and what it looks like after the total hip replacement surgery Hip replacement surgery is a common procedure to relieve pain and improve function for patients with hip arthritis or other degenerative conditions. Fortunately, there has been significant advancements in this field in recent years. For hip replacement surgery techniques, there are two primary techniques used. First, there is the anterior approach. Alternatively, there is the traditional/lateral approach. Overall, each method has its own set of benefits and challenges, influencing…

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Total Hip Replacement Treatment: Get Better with Physiotherapy!

December 02 | 2024
Posted by Sharon Tierney

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HIP REPLACEMENT TREATMENT will help speed up your recovery process. While healing and recovery time will vary between patients, proper management can minimize complications and optimize your function. Supervised Hip Replacement Treatment by a Registered Physiotherapist will help to restore your strength and range of motion. This guide can help you better understand your exercise and activity program after a hip surgery. At PhysioNow, our Registered Physiotherapists will help you return to your daily activities. To ensure your safe recovery, be sure to check with your Physiotherapist at PhysioNow or surgeon before performing any of the exercises shown. Safety Precautions…

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I’m having a hip replacement! Do I need physiotherapy?

October 11 | 2024
Posted by Sharon Tierney

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A hip replacement can be daunting but with the right information and preparation, you can make the recovery very smooth. In this blog we’ll describe the essentials you should know before, during, and after your surgery, and the importance of Physiotherapy Treatment throughout the process. If you are worried about your upcoming surgery, read on to ease your fears! What is a hip replacement? A total hip replacement, or Total Hip Arthroplasty (THA), is a procedure that replaces damaged bone and cartilage and replaces it with prosthetic components. Specifically, there are two techniques. Cemented: For more elderly populations or patients…

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Heat therapy

January 21 | 2018
Posted by Sharon Tierney

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Heat and Cold therapy How it works When we apply Heat therapy, it improves circulation and blood flow to  that area due to increased temperature. Heat therapy can relax and soothe muscles and heal damaged tissue. Types Dry Heat therapy includes sources like heating pads, dry heating packs, and even saunas. This heat is easy to apply. Moist Heat therapy includes sources like steamed towels, moist heating packs, Theratherm heating pads that take moisture from the air, or hot baths. Moist heat may be slightly more effective as well as require less application time for the same results. Contraindications diabetes dermatitis vascular diseases deep vein thrombosis multiple sclerosis (MS)  Heat is useful for relieving: osteoarthritis strains and sprains tendonitis, or chronic irritation and stiffness in the tendons warming up stiff muscles or tissue before activity relieving pain or spasms relating to neck or back injury, including the lower back Cold…

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Hip fracture

August 12 | 2017
Posted by Sharon Tierney

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A hip fracture is a break in the upper quarter of the femur (thigh) bone. The extent of the break depends on the forces that are involved. The type of surgery used to treat a hip fracture is based on the bones and soft tissues affected or on the level of the fracture. Older people are at a higher risk of hip fracture because bones tend to weaken with age (osteoporosis). Multiple medications, poor vision and balance problems also make older people more likely to trip and fall — one of the most common causes of hip fracture. ? Signs and symptoms of a hip fracture include: • Inability to move immediately after a fall • Severe pain in your hip or groin • Inability to put weight on your leg on the side of your injured hip • Stiffness, bruising and swelling in and around your hip area •…

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Trochantric bursitis

July 25 | 2017
Posted by Sharon Tierney

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Trochanteric bursitis   The Trochanteric Bursa is a fluid filled sac near the hip joint. It cushions between the bones and the muscle and acts as a shock absorber. Trochanteric bursitis is the inflammation of the bursa which is at the outside of the hip. When this bursa is irritated it causes pain on the outside of the hip and thigh.  Sometimes you may feel the pain down to the knee on the same side.  Another symptom is pain which will stop you from lying on your painful side.  It will be painful when you press on a specific spot on the outside of the hip.  The pain gets worse when climbing stairs, getting up from a low chair getting out of a car.  Sitting with crossed legs hurts.  Both  walking and running may also cause increased pain. Causes of Trochanteric Bursitis Any direct Injury to the outside of the hip…

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Physiotherapy : Total Hip Replacement

May 28 | 2017
Posted by Sharon Tierney

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Physiotherapy : Total Hip Replacement – Do I really need it? Surgeons often recommend that patients seek out community Physiotherapy Surgeons often recommend that patients seek out community Physiotherapy : Total Hip Replacement services to continue with your recovery after you have had a total hip replacement (THR). You may wonder how doing extra treatment would help? – isn’t the surgery enough to correct your hip pain? What is important to remember is that the surgery does take care of the affected joint. However, there is still work to be done to get you back on your feet and back to your desired activities. The surgery involves a cut through the muscles that stabilize the hip. Also, the body has to relearn how to move and function with a new joint. Normally, the usual process for Physiotherapy: Total Hip Replacement surgery involves: • Receiving Physiotherapy : Total Hip Replacement as…

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Massage Therapy Services Mississauga

May 08 | 2017
Posted by Sharon Tierney

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Massage Therapy Services Mississauga Massage therapy involves skilled manipulation of the soft tissues (skin, muscle, fascia, tendons, ligaments) and joints in your body. A variety of techniques can be used in Massage therapy services Mississauga to help reduce tension in stiff muscles. It can help to promote lymph and blood flow and speed up the healing of injured tissues. Massage therapy has a therapeutic effect on the body and helps you to recover from injuries to muscles, circulatory and the nervous system. Massage Therapy Services Mississauga: Types 1) Relaxation/Swedish Massage- primarily used to enhance wellbeing and is generally offered in spas, resorts 2) Rehabilitative/Deep tissue/ Therapeutic Massage- Primarily aids in promoting healing of injured tissues. This facilitates early recovery. Registered Massage therapists who are skilled and trained in performing these maneuvers perform Rehabilitative Massage Therapy. This service is offered in medical clinics . Massage Therapy Services…

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April 19 | 2017
Posted by Sharon Tierney

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HIP REPLACEMENT TREATMENT HIP REPLACEMENT TREATMENT will help speed up the recovery process. Healing and recovery time varies between patients. Proper management is important after hip replacement surgery to minimize complications. Supervised Hip Replacement Treatment will help to restore strength and range of motion. This guide can help you better understand your exercise and activity program. At PhysioNow, our Registered Physiotherapists will help you return to your daily activities. To ensure your safe recovery, be sure to check with your physiotherapist at PhysioNow or surgeon before performing any of the exercises shown. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS AFTER TOTAL HIP REPLACEMENT UP TO 12 WEEKS MINIMUM: After hip replacement surgery precautions must be taken to allow proper healing. It is important that you must follow the safety precaution at all times in the first 12 weeks after your surgery. – Avoid extremes range of motion at all times – When seated, ensure your…

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