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Vertigo? Room is Spinning? Try Vestibular Physiotherapy!

December 11 | 2024
Posted by Sharon Tierney

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Have you ever felt like the world around you is spinning, even though you’re standing still? That dizzy feeling, like you’re on a merry-go-round that won’t stop, is called vertigo. It can be scary, but you’re not alone, and there is help available! Let’s talk about what vertigo is, why it happens and how Vestibular Physiotherapy can help you feel better. What is vertigo? Vertigo is a type of dizziness that makes you feel like your surroundings are moving or spinning around you even when you’re not moving. It’s different from just feeling light-headed—it’s more like you’ve lost your balance…

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Physiotherapy Mississauga

November 12 | 2020
Posted by Sharon Tierney

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Physiotherapy Mississauga Why choose PhysioNow for Physiotherapy Mississauga? • Over 16 years of providing top rated Physiotherapy Mississauga There are 4 convenient locations- Erin Mills, Applewood, Lorne Park and Long Branch • Awards/nominations? PhysioNow: nominated for a Top Choice Award in 2020. • A team of highly qualified physiotherapists and massage therapists All of our physiotherapists and massage therapists have several years of experience in their field and are registered in good standing with the College of Physiotherapy and Massage Therapy. • Services we offer Services are provided for all ages and for a variety of conditions. For instance,  our therapists are specialized in several areas including manual therapy, acupuncture, vestibular rehabilitation, concussion , sports injuries, pelvic health and soft tissue techniques. Lower Back Pain Treatments Donjoy Defiance ACL Repair Brace Return To Sport After ACL Ligament Repair…

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Physiotherapy & Exercise

March 31 | 2019
Posted by Sharon Tierney

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Pain and injury can happen to anyone.  Most people have at least one injury or episode of pain in their lifetime. As a result, this leads them to seek professional help.  The most common types of injuries are related to muscle, bone and joints.  However, underlying diseases can also result in pain that leads people to seek Physiotherapy & Exercise. What are the different types of Physiotherapy & Exercise available? Physiotherapy Physiotherapists use their knowledge of the body to provide Physiotherapy & Exercise treatment. In addition, they assess, diagnose and treat symptoms from injuries. Massage Therapy Massage therapy is the…

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Elderly Falls Prevention

March 02 | 2019
Posted by Sharon Tierney

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Elderly Falls Prevention Elderly Falls prevention is a huge societal issue.  It affects many aspects of society including health care spending and caregiver stress.  As a result injuries and effects from a fall can be very serious, both for the patient and the family involved. Characteristics of the elderly Population There are some who have been able to maintain their mobility and strength and continue to stay healthy and active. Then there are those who are struggling with their day to day activities due to weakness and frailty.   There are also those who fall somewhere in between.  Those individuals…

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January 07 | 2018
Posted by Sharon Tierney

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Labyrinthitis is an inner ear disorder. The two vestibular nerves in your inner ear send your brain information about your spatial navigation and balance control. When one of these nerves becomes inflamed, it creates a condition known as labyrinthitis. Symptoms: dizziness vertigo loss of balance nausea and vomiting tinnitus, which is characterized by a ringing or buzzing in your ear loss of hearing in the high-frequency range in one ear difficulty focusing your eyes Causes respiratory illnesses, such as bronchitis viral infections of the inner ear stomach viruses herpes viruses bacterial infections, including bacterial middle ear infections infectious organisms, such as the organism that causes Lyme disease If you would like to learn more about Labyrinthitis, please check out this link. Diagnosis Tests to check for the condition may include: hearing tests blood tests a CT or MRI scan of your head to record images of your cranial structures electroencephalogram…

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July 25 | 2017
Posted by Sharon Tierney

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Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo(BPPV) Vestibular Systems • Comprises five sensory organs that provide your brain with information about head position and movements including head rotation, linear movements and static positions of the head relative to gravity • Five sensory organs including 3 semicircular canals and 2 otoliths   BPPV is a mechanical problem in the inner ear. It occurs when some of the  crystals that are normally embaded in gel in the ear become dislodged.  They then can move into one or more of the 3-fluid filled semicircular canals. Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo(BPPV) is  one  of the most common causes of vertigo. It creates a false sensation of spinning. • Benign: it is not life threatening • Paroxysmal: it comes in sudden, brief spells • Positional: it gets triggered by certain head positions or movements • Vertigo: a false sensation of rotational movement   Symptoms a)      Dizziness b)      Vertigo (sensation…

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