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Registered Massage Therapy Mississauga – Benefits?

June 09 | 2015
Posted by Sharon Tierney

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Registered Massage therapy can be an effective part of any wellness program. Whether it is used for injury rehabilitation, pain relief, relaxation, general body maintenance, improved sleep, reduced stress, or anxiety/ depression, there are many good reasons to get a registered massage therapy treatment. Benefits Of Registered Massage Therapy Mississauga Many of the techniques that have been developed are used to improve the use of muscles, tendons, ligaments, nerves, fascia, joints, bones, blood circulation, and the lymphatic system. Massage therapy also helps the nervous system to release hormones that promote healing, reduce pain, and increase relaxation. Some of the conditions massage therapy has been shown to benefit include: Arthritis Fibromyalgia Carpal tunnel syndrome Headaches Lower back pain Sprains and strains Tendonitis Repetitive strain injuries Pregnancy support  Scoliosis and Kyphosis Pain that comes from poor posture Many people have aches and pains that they suffer with on a daily basis. Sometimes these pains will  go…

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Knee Injury

March 07 | 2015
Posted by Sharon Tierney

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Knee Injury, Custom Knee Brace You’ve fallen or slipped and fallen on your knee. You’ve had a knee injury! Maybe you felt or heard a snap or maybe it just swelled up after the injury. If you heard a large snapping sound when you fell, its quite possible that you have done some damage to the cartilage in your knee. Possible damage can include the Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL), Posterior Cruciate Ligament (PCL), or either the Medial Collateral Ligament/ Lateral Collateral Ligament. Other possibilities include the medial or lateral meniscus. No matter what, your knee will likely hurt and swell up. Swelling is a normal response to an injury to your knee. In general, the more swelling, the more internal damage that exists. The good news is that most knees can get better conservatively with proper physiotherapy care. The most important part of treatment is to make sure that there…

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ACL Tear

March 22 | 2014
Posted by Sharon Tierney

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ACL Tear Do you have an ACL tear?  Should you have surgery to repair your ACL tear? This is one of the most common knee injuries. It is typical that if you have only a partial ACL tear- no surgery is recommended. Even if you have suffered a full ACL tear – the decision to have surgery is not always clear. Factors to consider include: are you a competitive athlete in the prime of your life and do you plan to continue competing in your sport of choice? If the answer is yes, then more than likely, you are going to be advised to proceed with an ACL surgical repair. If you have a full ACL tear, but are not a competitive athlete, then the decision to proceed with a surgical approach becomes less certain. For many people, treatment with a skilled physiotherapist can help you to strengthen your muscles…

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