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Foot Pain Treatment Mississauga

May 28 | 2017
Posted by Sharon Tierney

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strong>Foot Pain Treatment Mississauga Trending Now: Blue Jays’ Jose Batista on 15 day disabled list Blue Jays’ Jose Batista hurt his big toe during a June 16 game against Philadelphia. After running into the outfield wall, Bautista had to leave the game early because of pain. An MRI showed that he had suffered a sprain of his left big toe. He had to be in a walking boot for the time being. It may seem like it’s an excessive treatment plan for just a simple sprain. In reality sprains can sometimes be more complicated than a fracture. What is a Ligament? A ligament is a soft tissue structure that connects two bones together. Ligaments do not receive a good blood supply like muscles or tendons and as a result, they cannot heal as well. Types of Sprains A sprain is defined as a stretch or tear of a ligament. Furthermore,…

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Massage Therapy Services Mississauga

May 08 | 2017
Posted by Sharon Tierney

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Massage Therapy Services Mississauga Massage therapy involves skilled manipulation of the soft tissues (skin, muscle, fascia, tendons, ligaments) and joints in your body. A variety of techniques can be used in Massage therapy services Mississauga to help reduce tension in stiff muscles. It can help to promote lymph and blood flow and speed up the healing of injured tissues. Massage therapy has a therapeutic effect on the body and helps you to recover from injuries to muscles, circulatory and the nervous system. Massage Therapy Services Mississauga: Types 1) Relaxation/Swedish Massage- primarily used to enhance wellbeing and is generally offered in spas, resorts 2) Rehabilitative/Deep tissue/ Therapeutic Massage- Primarily aids in promoting healing of injured tissues. This facilitates early recovery. Registered Massage therapists who are skilled and trained in performing these maneuvers perform Rehabilitative Massage Therapy. This service is offered in medical clinics . Massage Therapy Services…

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Osgood-Schlatter disease

March 11 | 2017
Posted by Sharon Tierney

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Osgood-Schlatter disease Osgood-Schlatter disease can cause a painful lump below the kneecap in children and adolescents experiencing growth spurts during puberty. Osgood-Schlatter disease occurs most often in children who participate in sports that involve running, jumping and swift changes of direction — such as soccer, basketball, figure skating and ballet. Age ranges differ by sex because girls experience puberty earlier than do boys. Osgood-Schlatter disease typically occurs in boys ages 13 to 14 and girls ages 11 to 12. The condition usually resolves on its own, once the child’s bones stop growing. Osgood-Schlatter Disease SYMPTOMS Most parents call the doctor after their child complains of intermittent pain over several months. The pain may be anywhere from mild and felt only during activity to severe and constant. Other symptoms may include: • pain that worsens with exercise • relief from pain with rest • swelling or tenderness…

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Sciatica Treatment Mississauga

March 11 | 2017
Posted by Sharon Tierney

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Sciatica Sciatica Treatment Mississauga Sciatica Treatment Mississauga is available at all of our PhysioNow Clinics! Sciatica refers to back pain caused by an inflammation with the sciatic nerve. This is a large nerve that runs from the lower back down the back of each leg. When something irritates or puts pressure on the sciatic nerve, it can cause pain in the lower back that spreads to the hip, buttocks, and leg. Sciatica Treatment Mississauga can help! Symptoms The most common symptoms of sciatica are • lower back pain that extends through the hip and buttock and down one leg. • The pain usually affects only one leg and may get worse when you sit, cough, or sneeze. • The leg may also feel numb, weak, or tingly at times. • The symptoms of sciatica tend to appear suddenly and can last for days or weeks Causes…

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Acupuncture – Physiotherapy

October 23 | 2016
Posted by Sharon Tierney

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Acupuncture – Physiotherapy Classical acupuncture originated ~2250 years ago. It has its history in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Modern “western” acupuncture originated in the 1970s, Western acupuncture was based on modern anatomical knowledge. Acupuncture – Physiotherapy involves the insertion of thin needles into the body at specific points. Because the needles are so thin (1/100th the width of a hypodermic needle), there is very little feeling when they are put in. Many people barely feel it when the needles go into the skin. Most acupuncture points are located on or next to nerves and muscles. Benefits of Acupuncture – Physiotherapy: The introduction of acupuncture needles can reduce pain and inflammation. Acupuncture – physiotherapy can help to restore normal function. Acupuncture can also help reduce stress, anxiety and depression, as well as promote energy and relaxation. Safety Concerns with Acupuncture – Physiotherapy Acupuncture is very safe when performed correctly. Before any acupuncture…

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Recovery Tips: Total Knee Replacement

October 11 | 2016
Posted by Sharon Tierney

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Recovery tips: Total Knee Replacement Getting a new metallic knee and a big surgery can be very overwhelming. It is particularly hard right after the surgery! Here you will find some Recovery Tips: Total Knee Replacement. These can help with faster recovery. Exercise- During the first few days following the surgery, you are at risk of developing a clot in your calf. This is because as you are not moving much due to pain or from the effect of anesthesia. Simple foot/ankle exercises will prevent pooling of blood around your calf leading to a possible clot. Registered Physiotherapists Mississauga can help to manage your pain and swelling right after the surgery. Other Recovery tips: Total Knee Replacement Many surgeons recommend providing compression to the area using a compression stocking. They also recommend using ice around your knee joint. Its usually done with your leg elevated so that gravity can further…

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Shoulder Dislocation Treatment Mississauga

September 22 | 2016
Posted by Sharon Tierney

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Shoulder Dislocation Treatment Mississauga Shoulder Dislocation Treatment Mississauga What leads to shoulder dislocation?Shoulder Dislocation Treatment Mississauga can help! Many people who have had a dislocated shoulder often refer back to the incident as being so sudden. All that they remember is hearing a loud click and the feeling of excruciating pain immediately after the injury. Yes! they could actually feel the shoulder as it is wrenched out of the socket. It can be a very dreadful experience!!! That’s when you need Shoulder Dislocation Treatment Mississauga!. Depending on the severity of injury, Shoulder Dislocation Treatment Mississauga varies. Generally, your doctor orders an X-Ray and Ultrasound to determine the extent of the injury. Shoulder dislocation classifications: Shoulder dislocations are classified depending on your symptoms and X-Ray findings. This helps to decide which general guidelines to follow for treating your dislocated shoulder. Usually, a shoulder sling is provided to…

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Registered Physiotherapy Mississauga

September 22 | 2016
Posted by Sharon Tierney

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Registered Physiotherapy Mississauga Foot Pain Management Mississauga Pain in the foot can result from a sprain of a ligament. It can come from inflammation of a tendon or bony changes from arthritis. It can also come from dropped arches or irritation of the plantar fascia. These are just some of the reasons that a person can develop foot pain. The anatomy of the foot can make this body part a difficult one to treat well. The key lies in diagnosing the source of the pain correctly. A Registered Physiotherapist Mississauga has the knowledge and expertise to get this information from the assessment. Foot pain Management Mississauga: Registered Physiotherapy Mississauga of course depends on the injury. It usually consists of modalities for pain. It can include hands on Physiotherapy treatment to treat the pain and stiffness. This is followed by an exercise program that includes a stretching and strengthening program to…

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Shoulder Dislocation

August 14 | 2016
Posted by Sharon Tierney

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Shoulder Dislocation Shoulder Dislocation can be a scary experience! A lot of times, the injury happens so quickly that a patient doesn’t even know what has happened to their shoulder. But what they do know is that there is intense pain and that the shoulder joint looks deformed. How does Shoulder Dislocation Happen? A shoulder dislocation is usually caused by falling onto your shoulder, trying to stop a fall with the hand or getting hit in the shoulder. With this injury, the ball of the humerus, which is the long bone of the upper arm, has come out of its socket, which is part of the shoulder blade. When this happens, the soft tissue structures that make up the shoulder joint are also overstretched and torn. The ball of the humerus can either be moved out through the front or the back of the socket. The direction of the shoulder…

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Foot Pain Treatment Mississauga

August 14 | 2016
Posted by Sharon Tierney

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Foot Pain Treatment Mississauga Trending Now: Blue Jays’ Jose Batista on 15 day disabled list Foot Pain Treatment Mississauga happens at PhysioNow. Blue Jays’ Jose Batista hurt his big toe during a June 16 game against Philadelphia. After running into the outfield wall, Bautista had to leave the game early because of pain. An MRI showed that he had suffered a sprain of his left big toe and has to be in a walking boot for the time being. It may seem like it’s an excessive treatment plan for just a simple sprain. Types of Sprains In reality sprains can sometimes be more complicated than a fracture. A sprain is defined as a stretch or tear of a ligament. A ligament is a soft tissue structure that connects two bones together. Ligaments do not receive a good blood supply like muscles or tendons and as a result, they do not…

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