Female & Male pelvic pain There are various conditions which are treatable under male and female pelvic pain. Vulvodynia Pain that affects the entire vulva Symptoms • Burning • Stabbing • Stinging • Itching • Sensitive to touch and pressure • Functional limitation (Sex/ tampon/clothes) Vestibulodynia The vestibule is where the vulva (area of the skin on the outside) meets with the vagina. It is an extremely sensitive part of your body. Symptoms: Hypersensitivity on light touch, such as during intercourse and on insertion of tampons.Some women have pain but are able to tolerate penetrative sex. They may have soreness and tenderness. This may include soreness with tight clothes and even light touch to the area. Dyspareunia, Vaginismus, Dysmenorrhea, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and Endometriosis Vaginismus: Inability to penetrate due to spasm of the muscles Dyspareunia: Painful vaginal penetration in the absence of disease Dysmenorrhea: Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS): Abdominal…
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