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Endometriosis and Pelvic Physiotherapy

February 19 | 2023
Posted by Sharon Tierney

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What is endometriosis?   Endometriosis is a condition where tissues which is similar to the inner lining of the uterus grows outside the uterus which can affect nearby organs including the bowel and bladder. The tissue thickens and does shed with the monthly cycle.  At times when tissues get trapped and does not exit the body it can progress to form cyst called endometriomas. At last, it results in irritation to surrounding tissues and organs forming scar tissue and adhesions. What are the symptoms? Symptoms includes, Firstly, Pelvic pain. Secondly,  Heavy periods. Infertility. Abdominal bloating. Urinary and bowel concerns. lastly,  Fatigue. However, endometriosis can be mistaken for other conditions such as Irritable bowel syndrome, Inflammatory pelvic disease. Therefore, early diagnosis will help in managing the symptoms. Treatment options available: There is no cure for endometriosis currently. Although, treatments to manage the symptoms includes, 1. Hormone therapies. 2. Over the counter…

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March 24 | 2022
Posted by Sharon Tierney

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PELVIC PAIN AND PELVIC FLOOR DYSFUNCTION What is pelvic pain and pelvic floor dysfunction? There are a number of conditions which cause pain and pelvic floor dysfunction. We have discussed a few of those conditions here today. Fortunately most of the conditions are treated with physiotherapy interventions. Pelvic pain and dysfunction Common conditions related with internal pelvic structures: Provoked vestibulodynia: In this your pelvic area is very sensitive to touch or pressure. You will feel pain with light touch, pressure, inserting tampons, wearing tight pants or intercourse. urinary urgency Vaginismus: You feel difficulty and/or pain with vaginal penetration. This will lead to avoidance of sexual activity or internal pelvic examination. Bladder pain syndrome: You feel pain and pressure with urge to urinate at any time. You will get an increased urge to urinate. Symptoms usually starts with bladder infection. Dysmenorrhea: You will feel painful cramps with…

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Post Prostatectomy Incontinence

November 12 | 2016
Posted by Sharon Tierney

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post-prostatectomy-incontinence Post-prostatectomy-incontinence is a common problem after radical prostatectomy. Patients report that this is the symptom which most disrupts their quality of life. Up to 75 percent of men experience a short period of mild incontinence. This is particularly after removal of the catheter that was placed during surgery. Most patients regain total urinary control after radical prostatectomy. However, this can take up to a year to achieve. Apparently, a small percentage (2% to 4%) experience permanent incontinence. Following radical prostatectomy, men who experience post-prostatectomy-incontinence may express concerns about visible wetness, urine odor, and the type of clothing that can be comfortably worn. Types of Urinary Incontinence The two types of post-protatectomy incontinence following prostate surgery are: • Stress incontinence – Stress incontinence is the involuntary loss of urine that can occur during physical activity, like lifting a heavy object, or when you laugh or sneeze. These . activities put…

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