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10 Common Injuries For Athletes

March 26 | 2024
Posted by Sharon Tierney

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Sports injuries can vary widely depending on the type of sport, the level of competition, and the mechanisms of injury. Some of these injuries you may have experienced yourself while others you may have heard of or even seen them happen on television. Our team at PhysioNow has treated many athletics and sports injuries over the years and would love to share our experiences with them! 1. Ankle sprains/tears Rolled ankles are very frequently seen sports injuries Often, injuries to the ankle ligaments are seen as a result of a running or jumping sport. In most…

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Heat therapy

January 21 | 2018
Posted by Sharon Tierney

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Heat and Cold therapy How it works When we apply Heat therapy, it improves circulation and blood flow to  that area due to increased temperature. Heat therapy can relax and soothe muscles and heal damaged tissue. Types Dry Heat therapy includes sources like heating pads, dry heating packs, and even saunas. This heat is easy to apply. Moist Heat therapy includes sources like steamed towels, moist heating packs, Theratherm heating pads that take moisture from the air, or hot baths. Moist heat may be slightly more effective as well as require less application time for the same results. Contraindications diabetes dermatitis vascular diseases deep vein thrombosis multiple sclerosis (MS)  Heat is useful for relieving: osteoarthritis strains and sprains tendonitis, or chronic irritation and stiffness in the tendons warming up stiff muscles or tissue before activity relieving pain or spasms relating to neck or back injury, including the lower back Cold…

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Golfers elbow

May 30 | 2017
Posted by Sharon Tierney

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Golfers elbow Golfers elbow is the overuse injury to the wrist flexor muscles. The muscles travel from the inside of the elbow leading to pain with resisted wrist flexion and resisted pronation of the forearm. The cause of the Golfers elbow is repeated wrist bending, improper lifting, throwing and swinging movements. People involved in racquet sports, using tools as screwdrivers and working on computers are usually affected. Symptoms Symptoms include pain and tenderness around the inside of the elbow. They often also include pain with making a fist, stiffness of the elbow, and a weakened grip with downward movement of the forearm. Pain typically gets worse with a tight fist and picking things up with the wrist in a bent position. Check out this article for more information about Golfers elbow. Diagnosis The condition is usually diagnosed through special tests such as wrist flexion against resistance. Differential diagnosis from other…

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