What is the Achilles tendon? The Achilles tendon is one of the strongest tendons in the human body. Anatomically, it connects our calf muscles to the back of the heel bone. Its main action is to point the toes and ankle downwards when our foot is off the ground or raise the heel off the ground when our foot is on the ground. Functionally, it is used whenever we are engaged in walking, running, or hopping-like activities and helps us with force production and shock absorption. The tendon is extremely strong and can withstand high amounts of stress Unfortunately, this can also predispose it to injury and cause ankle pain. Stages of Achilles tendon injuries Diagram showing the different stages of Achilles tendon problems 1) Achilles tendinitis: Inflammation has developed or is developing in the tendon. 2) Achilles tendinosis: There is now degeneration along with or…
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